Lyneham Village Hall
Toilet Improvements
This project is to replace and update the current, unsatisfactory, WC facilities to provide up to date WC facilities and better disability accessible arrangements.
The current toilet facilities at Lyneham Village Hall are very old and do not meet modern standards for toilets nor the required level of access for disabled users. The Village Hall Committee have a duty of care to provide suitable facilities for all its
users and this project will meet that need together with the Committees’ responsibilities under Disability Access law. It is essential that the hire fees for Lyneham Village Hall are kept to a level that is affordable for all users but also ensures that income is sufficient to cover all running costs. The attached accounts show that there is a very small reserve of just over £400 at the end of the last
financial year, which is consistent with previous years accounts. Any reserves are ring fenced to deal with regular and emergency maintenance work that may be required, which is always a possibility with such an old building. This grant funding will therefore help to preserve a valuable, well used and much loved community facility. Without the grant funding the project will not go ahead unless grant funding from other sources can be found.