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Lyneham Church Roof repairs

Urgent repairs to St Michael's Church Roof

Primarily, we are a religious organisation which holds regular church services. However, the church is also an integral part of the rural community and we are one of the principal contact points for the village. It is part of the history of the village( since approximately the 15th century although the earliest recorded church on the site dates back to the 10th c) and is a Keeper of the records of the village. It is used for people to come and celebrate marriages and christenings and to mourn and visit those who have passed away. Our churchyard is a large area of well tended land which is open for people to visit and enjoy the peace and quiet.It is home for wildlife including Deer and badgers. We currently cataloguing the graves in the churchyard( the records were lost a long time ago) and once that is finished we will choose a suitable site to create a wildflower area.Our church hall is used almost daily by local activity groups such as mothers and toddlers, Ballet class and Pilates. A regular baby clinic is held in the hall and it is often hired out for private functions. Every Thursday we hold a coffee morning which is attended by mostly non church goers. It is a focal to meet the local councillor, the community police and Wilts Council Community Liaison Officer. Members of our congregation regularly read to the children at the local school. We also run a charity( Broome’s Charity Fund which dates back to the 1700’s) which each year donates money to the school for books. We are also Trustees of the Memorial hall and are in the process of regenerating the Garden for the Community and making it more accessible.

Date of Grant

May 2020

Total Project Cost


Amount of Grant


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