Little Ducklings Outdoor Play Space Development
Little Ducklings Outdoor Play Space upgrade
We are doing the project to give greater access to the outdoor area by ensuring all year-round access. We are also doing it to establish a much-improved educational space where children can play and learn outdoors. This blank canvas will give us a weather proof area that we can then resource and use our equipment to the best advantage. Currently the area has not had surfaces put down or set out and it has been very muddy and inaccessible, at times, during the winter and early spring. Our plans establish a mixture of surfaces and large spaces that we can then use all year round.
Research has shown that children learn best outdoors and are happier and more settled. This particularly applies to boys. Young children must have 3 hours physical activity a day and they must access sunlight for vitamin D benefit. They also need to establish good habit early in in their lives and to be as healthy as possible as they move forward into adulthood. We plan our outdoor learning carefully and take observational note of the spontaneous play and the progress that children are making. We follow their interests and extend their learning using the natural environment. Many of our children have not been able to socialise with extended family or friends during Covid and some have experienced isolation and anxiety. Some parents have been deployed unexpectedly and some families have been at home and not attending; particularly when their school aged siblings were off. We have done our best to keep in touch and we have a good understanding of their special circumstances. We employ staff from the immediate area and we have been supporting them through this period too. We have noticed much higher levels of stress and anxiety in both groups. We make every effort to work well in this unique community and nearly all of our families live in Lyneham. This will enhance their learning and be an asset to the community. We have over 50 families currently attending.